Wild Dictation

Access this for more information: Wild Dictation

This activity is very interesting and funny! The teacher asks the students to write the words for the following categorisation:
1. star/celebrity: __________
2. adjective for food: _____________
3. verb of movement: _____________
4. kind of animal: ______________
5. favourite food: _______________
6. favourite drink: ________________

Then, the teacher dictates the following text:
A car drove up to the zoo and stopped suddenly. _________ got out. He/She looked really _________. He/She started to __________ towards the ___________ cage. Since it was hungry and thirsty, it was given ___________ and ____________.

The students have to fill in the gaps with the  previously written words. For example, if I choose Bon Jovi as my celebrity, then the text can become really funny.
The method can be used to reinforce grammar, vocabulary, listening skills, spelling.


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